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"The mission of Midwest Christian Services is to supply needs; physical, spiritual and emotional
for the residents and staff through Christian training and environment."

A message from the Executive Director

Deanna's Notes

March 16, 2020

Subject: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Communication

To Our Valued Partners

 As the Director of Midwest Christian Services (MCS), I am reaching out to all of our involved parties to inform you of the necessary precautions MCS is implementing at this time in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The health and safety of our clients and staff is our highest priority at this time, therefore all necessary measures will be taken to ensure this. MCS administration is continuing to monitor this situation and is following the precautionary steps provided by the Department of Human Services in conjunction with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).The following protocol has been put in place:

• At this time, MCS will be discontinuing in person visitation until further notice. Family members and others will need to rely on phone contact/Facetime/ Skype etc. to communicate with their child/client.
• MCS will be offering family sessions via VSEE at this time. Please continue to call Matt Royster to schedule these appts. at 319-329-2218.
• Signage has been posted in each residential unit and office building with symptoms, prevention efforts, etc.
• Temperatures of staff will be taken at shift change, or when they come in for a shift. If a staff member has a fever, they will not be working and should be sent home.
• If staff have a fever or are feeling ill, they will not report to work.
• If a client has a fever or a cough, the child will be masked asap and medical professional will be called.
• Masks and forehead thermometers have been purchased in an effort to screen staff and clients and to mask those displaying symptoms.
• Intense cleaning and proper hygiene practices along with all CDC recommendations have been implemented and instructed to all.

I thank you in advance for being understanding regarding our no visitation policy at this time. It is not our intent to keep families and referring workers from your child or client, but rather to protect your child, client and our staff and in addition allow us to be able to provide 24/7 care. Please feel free to reach out to myself with any further concerns or questions.

Deanna Scott
Executive Director